IN THE PRESS: Managing Partner Interview with Sustainability Magazine

Managing Partner Max Delamain sits down with Sustainability Magazine to discuss Gluon, EVs, hydrogen and more

IN THE PRESS: Managing Partner Interview with Sustainability Magazine

Managing Partner Max Delamain sits down with Sustainability Magazine to discuss Gluon, EVs, hydrogen and more

Max Delamain was featured in Sustainability Magazine’s “Trailblazer” section, where he was interviewed about Gluon and its activities.

Max introduced Gluon and its activities, including ZEVHub and Marine2o, as well as giving insights on the wider renewable and clean energy market.

Particular focus is on the effect recent geopolitical events have had on the market, with energy security emerging as a major driver of growth along with the need to decarbonise our economies

Read the full interview below:

Max Delamain Interview – Sustainability Magazine August 2022

Full Magazine Link

Sustainability August 2022 | Sustainability Magazine