Reset Connect to Host Gluon Sponsored Event at ExCel for London Climate Action Week

Gluon is once again joining forces with our friends at Reset Connect to discuss Urban Mobility and Infrastructure Investments on the 28th June at ExCeL London

Reset Connect to Host Gluon Sponsored Event at ExCel for London Climate Action Week

Gluon is once again joining forces with our friends at Reset Connect to discuss Urban Mobility and Infrastructure Investments on the 28th June at ExCeL London

With input from a panel of industry experts and insiders, a new approach to global clean infrastructure project development will be discussed and debated.

Confirmed speakers include Gluon Managing Partner Per Regnarsson and Marine2o Managing Director Tim Munn.

Cities need to upgrade and transition their infrastructure to make it easy for people to navigate in a sustainable way. In order to make these substantial changes, investment is needed.

The event is an opportunity for businesses, advisors, start-ups, entrepreneurs and policy makers to get an insight into the future of mobility in the urban environment as well as the investment and infrastructure needed to facilitate the transition.

We will explore focus areas such as electrification, Mobility-as-a-Service, the rise of smart and connected mobility, technology, operating environments and policy.

This event will be enlightening to individual, public, and private sector actors alike. We recognize that mobility must be more sustainable, smarter, safer, less expensive, and more convenient for everyone. Our focus is on easing the current and forthcoming shifts this inflection entails while identifying the tremendous opportunities being created by it.

We invite you to come and join our panel discussion or visit our eMobility Lounge hosted by ZEVHub during the two day event. As a Founding Partner, you can book half price delegate tickets by using code GlFp50 on the event registration page at Reset Connect London 2022 Registration – Reset Connect (

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